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Transition times can be difficult for children and parents alike after having such a fun filled summer We are all creatures of habit and change often brings stress. As the new CDC school year approaches, it’s time to start thinking about how to make the transition to your child’s new class stress free.

Countdown: Create a countdown calendar, leading up to the first day of their transition.  Hang it up in the kitchen as a visual reminder, and let your children x out each day to give them a better understanding of the time left before the big day.

Adjust: Spend the last two weeks of summer easing the kids and your family into their new routine. For example, start with serving dinner at the same time you will during the school year and slowly adjust bedtimes by one half hour, every other day.

The night before: Think ahead and make sure your evening routine during the school year includes preparation for the next day. Outfits are selected, book bags are packed and placed by the door.